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Sand Alteration Permit 2998 “Foredune grading to perform ongoing maintenance/access preservation along a 500'' section of dune within City of Manzanita City Limits. 8 properties involved, 7 property owners. Approximately 10,000 cubic yards of excess dune sand will be spread on upper open beach to a depth of 2-3''.”
The public hearing is over, but you still can formally submit your comments. Please submit your written comments before 5 pm Feb. 10, 2022 to: Email: Fax: 541-563-8508 Mail: PO BOX 2139 Waldport, OR. 97394 You must include your full name and address.
The video of the public hearing is here:
The permit application is here:
Remember include your full name and address.
The public hearing is over, but you still can formally submit your comments. Please submit your written comments before 5 pm Feb. 10, 2022 to: Email: Fax: 541-563-8508 Mail: PO BOX 2139 Waldport, OR. 97394 You must include your full name and address.
The video of the public hearing is here:
The permit application is here:
Remember include your full name and address.