On February 10th, 2022 Dr Jose R Marin Jarrin from the Humbolt State University Department of Fisheries Biology will share his experience and knowledge of nearshore sandy ecosystems as part of the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council’s speaker series. In 2013 he published a paper on the use of sandy beach environments as nurseries for juvenile Chinook salmon. Since then his research has spanned a wide variety of marine biology topics including a chapter in the 2022 book “Sandy Beaches as Endangered Ecosystems” titled “The Biology and Ecology of Sandy Beach Surf Zones.” It’s really exciting to have such an expert in his field come present to us!
His research on Chinook use of sandy beach environments explored what role that environment plays in their life history. His research sought to describe that use through field collections, otolith sampling, and comparison of growth between estuarine and sandy beach Chinook juveniles. This is sure to be a great story about both the process of science and an opportunity to learn more about what’s happening off shores very much like those here by the mouth of the Nehalem.
Dr Jose Marin Jarrin earned his PhD in Fisheries Science at Oregon State University, with a Masters in Marine Biology from University of Oregon, and his Bachelors from the University of Guayaquil in Ecuador. Since 2008 he’s published at least 32 times on marine biology topics!
The talk will be on February 10th at 7 pm, hosted on Zoom, and is free to the public. The zoom link is us02web.zoom.us/j/84340270734 or on the Faceboook event at www.facebook.com/lnwc1. You can also contact the watershed council at lnwc@nehalemtel.net. A recording of this presentation will also be posted on the LNWC’s YouTube channel with our other recorded presentations. Just search for “Lower Nehalem Watershed Council” on YouTube.
Prior to the presentation the LNWC will be holding a meeting of the Board. This is a great opportunity to hear about Lower Nehalem Watershed Council activities, organizational health, and to connect with the council yourself. The board meeting will begin at 5 pm and end just before the presentation begins.
Stay posted for the Lower Nehalem Watershed’s Speaker Series other great talks coming up:
• March: Andy Bluhm (OSU), Red Alder in Coastal Oregon Forests
• April: Jon Souder (OSU), Trees to Tap: How Forest Practices Affect Oregon’s Municipal Water
• May: Jessica Adele Miller (OSU), Marine Heatwaves and Impacts to Pacific Cod and Salmon
Event Information: This event is FREE and open to the public. Find more information on our speaker series and the links for access on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/lnwc1).
Time & Agenda:
5:00 PM LNWC Board Meeting
7:00 PM Presentation
8:30 PM Adjourn