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Jeff and the JW Merc roadside “pop-up” booth will be set up in Wheeler again on Tuesday afternoon (February 15th) from at least 1-5 pm. Location will be in front of the building where you find Pelican and Piper (corner of Hwy 101 and Rector – across from the train stop). Amongst the many raw honeys will be the return of Queen Bee quarts to our inventory – choice of last season''s Clover-Meadowfoam mix (crystallized) – and Willamette Valley wildflower – $25 each. There MAY be a few raw raspberry honey quarts left over from this weekend (best to reserve one now if interested – also $25 each). Old Blue coast range wildflower pints are available from three separate collection points (Caldwell Hill, Burnt Woods and Siletz) – $18 each or you can take any three for $50. Contact Jeff ASAP to have something set aside – text directly to the phone (208-424-0042), e-mail: – or via instant message through the JW Merc Facebook page. See you on Tuesday! JW