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Capturing Oregon’s Magic
Hoffman Gallery April 2022
Oregon Painters Landscape to Modernism
April 1–May 1 | 1:00-5:00pm
Hoffman Center for the Arts | 594 Laneda Avenue | Manzanita
Hoffman Gallery April 2022
Oregon Painters Landscape to Modernism
April 1–May 1 | 1:00-5:00pm
Hoffman Center for the Arts | 594 Laneda Avenue | Manzanita
Capturing Oregon’s Magic
Traditional 19th century landscape paintings, impressionist views of the north coast, and vibrant abstractions from the 1940s and 50s make this exhibit a guided tour of exceptional, early Oregon artists’ 100-year, stylistic evolution. Many paintings in the exhibit originated in Manzanita – all capture Oregon’s magic.
The exhibit was inspired, and artwork was curated, from the recently published second edition of the book Oregon Painters, Landscape to Modernism, 1859-1959. The book is available through Oregon State University Press and found at many local bookstores.