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Opening Night is this Friday! Aunt Abby and Aunt Martha want you to buy your tickets now! Tickets for “Arsenic and Old Lace,” directed by Frank Squillo, are ON SALE NOW online at Our new ticketing system is fast, easy and best of all… You get to Choose Your Seats! Show times are June 3rd & 4th at 7 pm; June 5th at 2 pm; June 10th & 11th at 7 pm; June 12th at 2 pm; June 18th at 7 pm and June 19th at 2 pm. ** BONUS! When you order, be sure to pick up your very own “Arsenic and Old Lace” commemorative flask! Order it with your tickets and it’ll be waiting for you in the lobby of the Performing Arts Center at NCRD on show night! You say you can’t wait? Well, neither can we! While we do, though, we thought you’d like to see Who’s Who in the show…