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Hi folks – a simple reminder about Jeff’s “pop-up” appearance in Wheeler coming this TUESDAY (July 12th – from 12-5) – in front of the same building which you find Pelican and Piper. I will have wholesome regional bee pollen (two pack sizes – $10 and $18), the typical JW Merc array of raw/pure/local honeys in various sizes/colors etc – real Vermont maple syrup of course from the small family farm – and more. Best to get pre-orders in to Jeff if you already know what you want – by text to the phone: 208-424-0042, via instant message to the JW Merc Facebook page or by e-mail: I have some LIMITED delivery slots open on Monday as well so reach out ASAP should there be an interest there. Raw honeys will include the LAST of the Old Blue line-up (yes – they too are retiring) – $18 per pint or three jars for $50, raw Buckwheat honey from Queen Bee ($12 per one-pound jar) – various quarts, half-gallons – full gallons too! This will be the last visit until August – but you can catch me any weekend in my regular spot down in Waldport if you find yourself down that way…jw