The workshop is lively, engaging, renewing. It’s open at this time to women only.
Dates: July 20, 27 + Aug 3, 10
Cost: $148.00
Platform: Zoom
For more information, click here to be taken to the website for!event/2022/7/13/writing-alive-2-5-hour-writing-workshop-with-dana-anderson-for-all-levels
This workshop serves as an excellent introduction to The Amherst Method with its positive focus on “what’s strong, what works and what’s unique” in writers’ first-draft writing. Join us each week for 2-4 prompts of 10-18 minutes each and write in any genre that calls to you in the moment.
Writers who choose to read their work aloud will receive transformative feedback.
Many more details available at the link above. Please contact Dana to reserve your seat:
Thanks, BBQ! Many thanks to Barbara and Chuck.
Dana Anderson
Certified Facilitator, The Amherst Method, since 2015