Please join us at these Town Hall Listening Sessions or fill our the online survey. The listening sessions are the first step in moving toward finding solutions to the issues that we are facing as a community, so that we as a community can work together to take proactive measures to be who we want to become.
Fill out the online survey and find more information here
The Town Hall Listening Sessions are designed to gather information to better understand the key issues we are facing in our community from the community’s perspective. These listening sessions will also serve as the starting point for establishing a vision for the future of our city, highlighting key issues that will need to be addressed through an update of the Comprehensive Plan and providing guidance to the City Council on the most important issues facing our community.
I will be there to help facilitate and city staff will be on hand to answer questions.
Due to a rise in COVID cases we will be limiting the number of people in the room at one time to 30. Masks are encouraged but not required.
I look forward to seeing you on the 13th or 20th!