Let your voice soar on the currents of the summer wind! Join us for a brand new Wednesday Morning Writing Alive! Workshop, a place to play with the authenticity of your voice in the presence of others who love words and meaning, form and structure as much as you do! Find your flock — and fly!
Writing Alive! Workshops have been offered on the North Coast of Oregon since April 2015. Our days of meeting at The Center for Contemplative Arts came to end, and now we meet on Zoom.
I am trained to facilitate writing workshops in the style of The Amherst Method for Writers and Artists, an approach I love for its positive focus and for the extra distance it provides writers who want to delve into challenging, authentic material without getting mired in a “therapy trap.” We write to 2-4 prompts during each 2-1/2 hour weekly workshop. We include a maximum of 5 writers plus the facilitator. In this model, the facilitator keeps the process on track while also writing to the prompts and sharing her own writing, just as other participants do, keeping the hierarchy “flat” and equal. Writers choose their genre, decide whether to write “on-prompt” or “off-prompt,” always have a standing invitation to read aloud and always an option to pass. This is a setting for writers bringing works-in-progress and also for those jumping in to begin, or complete, a memoir, group of short stories or to explore writing with a workshop for the very first time.
If you are longing for a writing community filled with writers capable of offering thoughtful feedback, if you are ready to receive positive feedback for your work, if you are in search of a group of like-minded writers to hold you accountable to yourself and bring out your best, Writing Alive! Workshops is for you!
We’re just around the corner — on Zoom. (And if your niece in Olympia or your daughter in Chicago or your Mom or Grammy on Martha’s Vineyard is looking for us, please let them know how to find us! Send them this contact and we’ll take care of the rest: writingaliveworkshops@gmail.com.)
We are seeking one or two new writers for a brand new Wednesday Morning Workshop. Three writers are signed up — from Oregon, from Nova Scotia, from Washington, D.C. This workshop will definitely “make.” Let us know if you’d like to join us.
Our dates are July 27 + Aug 3, 10, 17. This particular workshop is focused for women only.
To learn more, please click here:
Wednesday Morning Writing Alive! Workshop
Time: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm Pacific
4 Weeks: July 27 + Aug 3, 10, 17
Tuition: $148 for 4 weeks; payment requested at time of enrollment via check by mail or PayPal
Please contact me to secure a place in this workshop. We rarely have openings. Jump in while you can! The ride will be worth it!
Write on!
Writing Alive! Workshops
A place for every voice
(503) 398-5800
Dana Cunningham Anderson, MS
Certified Facilitator, The Amherst Method
for Writers & Artists (AWA)
Writers write — not to be writers but to be writing. —Jane Hirshfield