Nehalem Bay Health District / Wheeler Care Center LLC Regular Meeting

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Nehalem Bay Health District
Wheeler Care Center LLC Regular Meeting
5:30 PM, Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Location: Zoom Remote Video Conferencing
Monthly report to the district by the LLC. This Meeting is open to the public.
The Zoom link is below for members of the public who wish to attend
Direct your questions to:
I. Call to order
II. New Business
A. Comments from Care Center administrator
1. Current census and staffing report
2. Monthly staff turnover report
3. July report on cost of agency staff
4. Status of CNA class
5. July financial performance – profit/loss
B. Discussion of NBHD Resolution 2022-07,
separate meetings
C. Consideration of consultant contracts
D. Consideration of MOU – shared services with Nehalem Bay Health Center
III. Public comment
IV. Old Business
NOTE: Regular Care Center board meetings are normally scheduled for the fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM. All meeting may be joined through the Zoom link above.