NCRD/ NES School Swim Program Status Clarification

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NCRD/ NES School Swim Program Status Clarification

There has been a lot of conversation about the future status of the School Swim Program out in the community and on social media over the last month or so. NCRD has been inundated with questions from concerned parents and long-time community residents who have heard there are changes coming to the program.

We want everyone to know, it is not the end of the School Swim Program!

When school resumed in person this past year, after being remote the prior year due to the pandemic, there were some changes made to the swim program to meet COVID protocols. One major change was that instead of all students K-5 receiving weekly classes throughout the entire school year, we had grades 4/5 in the fall, 2/3 winter term, and K/1 in the spring. So, this gave the students 10-11 classes for the year as compared with the traditional 33-34 classes.

The School District has made the decision to continue with that abbreviated class schedule moving forward. They have put out a public statement explaining their reasons for this decision. If circumstances change in the future NCRD would welcome the opportunity to restore the traditional year long swim education classes for all students.

NCRD continues to be dedicated to its mission, and to carrying on the original mission of the school district, when the school board voted unanimously in 1929 to build the Pool, to teach every child in the community how to swim.