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Expert fixers will be standing by to help you diagnose and repair your treasures.
Here are some examples of repairs we have made for folks. We can do this for you,too!
* Hem your too long pants
*Sew a hole in your pocket
*Cover a bleach stain with a nice little patch
*Fix your necklace clasp
*Fix your broken earring
*Replace a belt on your vacuum
*Figure out why your clock isn’t ticking
*Turn your broken chair into a stable stool
*Steady your wobbling lamp socket
*Replace a part on your nonworking Kitchenaid
**And, so much more!!
Here are some examples of repairs we have made for folks. We can do this for you,too!
* Hem your too long pants
*Sew a hole in your pocket
*Cover a bleach stain with a nice little patch
*Fix your necklace clasp
*Fix your broken earring
*Replace a belt on your vacuum
*Figure out why your clock isn’t ticking
*Turn your broken chair into a stable stool
*Steady your wobbling lamp socket
*Replace a part on your nonworking Kitchenaid
**And, so much more!!
Register now