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A reminder that Jeff’s JW Merc roadside “pop-up” booth will be in Wheeler THIS TUESDAY (Sept 13th) from 12-5. We set up in front of the same building where you would find Pelican & Piper’s newly expanded retail store (across from the train stop). THANKS SO MUCH for all of the pre-orders (it really helps!) – to that end the picture pretty much shows you the items which will still be available (full gallon honey, half-gallon honey and full gallon real Vermont maple syrup are all sold out) – i’ll have a good amount of the glass jars real maple syrup. Local bee pollen will still be available, some quarts, pints and one-pound jars of raw Buckwheat too. “Everyday-ish” raw local honeys will include quarts of Oregon Raspberry and Oregon Blueberry – also available in pint jars – and a Snowberry/Fireweed/Big Leaf Maple jar from Brookfield will be on the table. Other one-pound jars of raw honey include Star Thistle, Blueberry, Meadowfoam and a certified organic collection from Hawaii. See you on Tuesday – there are no more delivery slots available for this trip but we’ll be back soon with another trip dedicated to just that. Any other pre-order requests should be made ASAP directly to Jeff – by text to the cell: 208-424-0042, through the JW Merc Facebook page or via e-mail: THANKS! JW