We are seeing a burst of building activity in our community since the pandemic. This is most obvious in the expansion of the Highlands development and the new Third Street residences. For many years, we have averaged just a few new homes every year, but recently we have seen a major jump in demand for new homes.
While we know change is a constant in our lives, we must keep an eye on management of this inevitable growth in our community. We must also continue to keep a healthy balance between the increasing number of tourists and the residents who call Manzanita home.
The most important way to keep that balance is to update our Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is the roadmap for how we envision our community, and it reflects the community’s vision of itself and guides the city’s growth. The Comprehensive Plan process is your opportunity to express your views on local land use and the zoning designations that will flow from that process.
Even considering the urban growth boundaries, Manzanita has a very limited supply of land. Our land use goals will have to consider our needs for livable residential areas, a commercial district, dune management, workforce housing, and green space. I urge you to join me in finding the right balance that accommodates growth, maintains our small-town feel, and preserves the beautiful natural environment that brought us to this magical place.
On September 28th from 5-7pm at the Pine Grove Community House, the City of Manzanita will have our second information gathering session leading to the update of our Comprehensive Plan. PLEASE JOIN THE CONVERSATION! Community members are asked to register for this event via Eventbrite posted on the city’s website.
Read more about the process to update the Plan: ci.manzanita.or.us/envision-manzanita/
Register for the Town Hall event Sept. 28, 5pm: www.eventbrite.com/e/city-of-manzanita-listening-sessions-town-hall-tickets-417772166797
I feel strongly that this work is vital for the future vision of our community. I ask for your vote on November 8. You can reach me at Linda.Kozlowski@gmail.com. Or visit my website at LindaforManzanita.com for more details.