On Monday, Councilor Jerry Spegman wrote an excellent North Coast BBQ article (Sept 25th) discussing his perspective on Manzanita’s next City Council. His position is one that I support, and I encourage you all to read.
On Tuesday, Kim Rosenberg did it again! Kim has a wonderful way of grounding us all and getting to the important points in her own fun and unique way.
My name is Linda Kozlowski. I have been a City Council member for a number of years and I’m running for re-election. I’m very excited, like Jerry and Kim, about our future and I want to continue being part of the decision-making that will have an effect us all.
There will be several new faces on the City Council starting in 2023 and it will be exciting to infuse fresh perspectives into the government process; my re-election will bring valuable experience, background, and history to the issues so we can make informed and effective decisions.
Jenna Edginton is one who has already been seated. She will bring a young and fresh voice to the issues. Jenna brings experience she gained while doing excellent work on our Planning Commission, and her input will be invaluable as we start the work of updating our Comprehensive Plan.
Deb Simmons will be the new mayor of Manzanita starting in January. Mayor Simmons will lead the Council in the serious work of updating our Comprehensive Plan, managing STRs, identifying new revenue sources, managing the budget, and overseeing construction of new City facilities.
I’m energized about the challenges and opportunities ahead for us. We will be looking for your help and support as we tackle the critical issues I’ve just mentioned as well as the following:
• Identifying opportunities to encourage housing that is affordable to local workers
• Making decisions about foredune grading
• Assessing whether to adjust water rates, which have not changed in more than ten years, to pay for capital projects that will ensure sustainable water delivery
• Modernizing and digitizing the City’s record-keeping
My experience will be of great support to the newest members of City Council and our new Mayor, and I look forward to working with them. Let’s make the next two years a time when we all come together for the common good.
When it comes to working for the benefit of this community that I love so much, I’m all in.
Please be sure to vote on November 8 and I’m asking that you re-elect me.
I’m Linda Kozlowski and I’m running for re-election for Manzanita City Council. You can reach me at Linda.Kozlowski@gmail.com. Visit my website at www.LindaforManzanita.com.