Wheeler Candidates
Kemp Matthews Ragnell
Wheeler candidates want to meet and hear from our voters.
Please join us at Handy Creek Bakery for a friendly coffee chat on the next two Friday mornings. Linda DeGaynor has graciously allowed us to invite the community to join us for coffee and community conversation.
Hope to see you there:
Friday October 14th 10 – 11 am
Friday October 21st 10 – 11 am
We value your input and invite you to a coffee talk. We all recognize the importance of listening to the voters of our village.
Hope to see you there. We support the Wheeler Vision Plan
Footnote: A notice was recently distributed in town, announcing a Candidates Meeting at NCRD. It is regrettable that 4 of the 7 candidates were not contacted with regard to the date and time of this meeting prior to the distribution of the meeting notice and several have previous commitments. These candidates only learned about it on the day that the notice was publicly distributed.