Looking for a creative boost?

Submitted By: Jessi@heartofcartm.org – Click to email about this post
Volunteer at The Refindery!

Studies have shown that volunteering and creative expression can reduce anxiety and depression. So, we are certain that volunteering in a store like The Refindery has the ability to make you delightfully inspired, even through the darkest of winters. Why not try out just one 3 hour shift per week?

At The Refindery you’ll meet your community of creatives, both residents and visitors. You’ll also find great materials and inspiration for your next masterpiece.

Revenue from The Refindery is the primary source of funding for our operations, so your volunteer service and your shopping Greatly Supports our mission.

Heart of Cartm is thankful for you!

Contact Jessi Just or come on by the store in Wheeler to join our Team of Creatives
Thursday – Monday, Noon – 6:00pm