A 1 hour workshop created for women with Dr. Alicia Grace
When: Saturday, January 7, 10am-11ma
Where: North County Recreation District (NCRD): Fireside Room
Cost: $23 (for 2023) Check, cash, Venmo
Want to make a few changes in the New Year and learn how to make them stick this time?
In this workshop created for busy women, you’ll learn what 2 truths actually help and at least one ‘lie’ you’ve been told that undermines your effort in making habit changes.
We will experiment with easy (and even fun) tools developed in the Stanford Behavior Design Lab. These tools create an easy roadmap to make your new habits stick.
This workshop is:
Part spa for the stressed and striving spirit.
Part clarity for the curious or overwhelmed mind.
And part ease for the journey ahead…
Dr. Alicia Grace is a counselor in private practice guiding women through significant transitions and the integration of mind, body, and spirit.
She founded Nourish with Grace; a non-diet weight loss program and community for women who outsmart overeating with neuroscience, self-compassion, and self-love
Instagram: @NourishwithDr.Grace