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Listen in tomorrow afternoon on KMUN-FM at 3pm for a lively interview with the legendary Maria Muldaur in advance of her upcoming fundraiser for the NKN district music department .
Amongst other topics Maria will discuss her unparalleled musical career and talk about her performance March 26th at 4pm at the Grange Hall in Nehalem. Maria sold out the NCRD PAC last year and has large fanbase on the north coast.
Amongst other topics Maria will discuss her unparalleled musical career and talk about her performance March 26th at 4pm at the Grange Hall in Nehalem. Maria sold out the NCRD PAC last year and has large fanbase on the north coast.
A few tickets still available at
North Coast Music Project would like to thank their community partners for this show who share our mission of putting music in the hands of children which provides them a healthy way to relate and process what they are experiencing in their lives.
Maynard J. Keller Trust
Rockaway Roastery, Cosmo Jones, owner
Nehalem Bay Health Center and Pharmacy
Fulcrum Community Resources
Pelican Brewing