This event is a 22 minute drive from my home. I don’t drive. For about $15 each way I could call Dial-A-Ride and they could take me. But, they don’t travel on the weekend. And, even if this was a weekday I would have had to make the reservation 48 hours in advance.
But, like I said, I really want to go. I live up Miami Foley. There is no bus that travels along Miami Foley. Luckily, my housemate is going to the same location as the event and I arranged to get a ride to TBCC with them. Unfortunately, they will be going five hours ahead of the event. I will take my Kindle and a book and wait in the lobby until the event begins at 2pm. I’ll use some time to write this letter.
My ride in will be leaving at 2pm just as the event is beginning, so I will have to find another way home. I can conveniently catch the bus just outside of TBCC about 15 minutes after the event ends at 4pm. That bus will take me a mile down the road to the bus station near the court house. I will then wait over an hour for a bus to take me north. It will pass the intersection of the 101 and Miami Foley by a couple of miles.
Another housemate will drive ten miles to pick me up in Garibaldi at 6:17pm and I should be home by 6:30. I left at 9am.
Nine and a half hours to attend a two hour event 22 minutes away from my front door. This is the reality of public transportation in Tillamook County. This keeps people isolated and doing only what must be done.
Determined board members can help create solutions that will allow people like me to simply decide to go to an event one day and go. With a regular bus on Miami Foley that intersects at the 101 in a timely manner I could have been to the event in an hour. I would still be taking 3 buses, but the entire outing would only take me 4 hours instead of 9 and a half. More importantly, I could do it on my own and not have to ask favors. Having to ask for help often keeps me home.
I feel deeply that Mary Leverette is the one candidate for Tillamook County Transportation District that has the determination, experience, and the time to develop solutions that will create access to any and all in need of public transportation throughout the county. It’s very important that board members have time to do more than just show up at meetings.
I selfishly urge you to vote for Mary Leverette for Tillamook County Transportation Board in the upcoming election. There are a lot of places I would like to go, and all of you can help get me there.
Danielle Clark