Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
The question regarding 10-year-olds comes from Senator Knopp asking the question that if a 10 year old were to get an abortion would they be able to without the parent’s knowledge. The answer was yes from Legal Counsel. I will attach the video of the committee meeting that the question was raised.


Would children as young as ten be able to get birth control, prenatal care, gender changing hormones and gender changing surgeries without parental consent? The same answer – YES!
HB2002 – The Republicans have walked out to prevent this bill from being passed, but the Democrats ALL are voting for this – Because the Democrats in our legislature – DO AS THEY ARE TOLD! The age of consent has been changed to 0.
If there were any Democrats who would not vote for this bill than maybe the Republicans would not have to walk out
Anybody around here want to admit they are a Democrat?