Fundamental Rights of Parents gone with passage of HB2002

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HB 2002 passed. This bill interferes with the fundamental rights of parents to make decisions for their minor children of ANY AGE in reproductive heath and gender choice. The Republicans tried to negotiate some changes in this bill but the majority party was not interested. This bill was written as an “emergency” although it is not an emergency, but that is one way to pass a bill without putting it before the people for a vote. If this bill were put before the people for a vote it would not pass. To call something an emergency when it is not, is a violation of the rules, and there are many violations of procedural rules and other types of violations that occur in our majority party legislature.
The Republicans did get one minor change in this bill – and that is parental notification. A parent must be notified if treatment is given to the child UNLESS some authority deems it would cause child abuse. In that case the parent would not be notified about any treatment.
I envision this as following: You notice that your 3rd grade female child’s voice is getting lower and lower. You mention this to her and she says -oh yes, I am going to turn into a boy, they are helping me a school. You scream and go crazy and the next day you go to the school and start asking for who is responsible for this and you want it stopped and the school views your actions as child abuse because you want to stop what the authorities view as helping your child be his true self, and therefore your child will be removed from your home and put in foster care. Or you try to stop this legally but you can’t do that either since this bill is 45 pages long and this process is dealt with in the bill. You are definitely causing child abuse.

Bills removing parental rights are being passed in several states now – that indicates that this is part of the globalists agenda. We have a representative government, right? So your Oregon legislature is supposed to pass bills representing its citizens needs and wants. Do you think that there is a group of Oregon parents desperate to rid themselves of parental responsibility so they contacted their representatives and asked for a bill to be written that does this? I don’t think so. This bill is being written for the globalists and there is no doubt in my mind that there are incentives that go along with the passing of such legislation.
HEY! You Democrats, you have kids in school. What did you do to stop this piece of legislation?