Vendors Information
1. Vendors may reserve one or more (as available) of St. Catherine’s tables at no charge or bring their own.
2. Vendors are responsible for pricing, bringing & setting up their items on their tables and hauling away their unsold items immediately after the sale.
3. Vendors are responsible for keeping a record of the amounts of their own sales. 50% of each vendor’s sales will be contributed to St. Catherine’s. Church Member’s contribution will be on their St. Catherine’s donation statement. Non-member’s contribution will receive a tax receipt.
4. Should anyone wish to contribute items to the sale but not participate, they should bring those already priced items on the morning of the sale by 8:30 AM. Those contributions will be handled, for tax purposes, in the same manner as described in #3.
5. St. Catherines will have a separate table for non participant’s donations & be responsible for hauling away their unsold items after the sale.
6. The sale will be on St. Catherine’s church grounds 9:30 to 3:00 on Saturday, August 26,2023.
Please contact Carol Brown to reserve a table or more information.