Walk the Labyrinth at Dirty Bird’s Anytime

Submitted By: kelleywebb731@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Za at Centerpoint Healing Arts created this beautiful labyrinth in collaboration with Dirty Bird’s. Made with stones, driftwood and a variety of daylilies that bloom at different times throughout the season, this Labyrinth is available to you anytime and as often as you like. Located at Dirty Bird’s (corner of Manzanita and Division). Welcome to the Spiral Labyrinth, a walking meditation to foster renewal and healing. Enjoy a moment to slow down, breathe deeper and connect with Nature. Walking Labyrinths is an ancient contemplative art that humans across world cultures have practiced. Often found near shorelines of fishing villages, folks would walk the labyrinths before going to sea. The 3 R’s of a Labyrinth Walk 1. Release as you spiral inwards. 2. Receive as you pause in the center. 3. Resolve as you spiral back out.
With each step the earth heals us, and with each step we heal the earth.
For more about Centerpoint Healing Arts visit www.centerpointhealingarts.com
For more about Dirty Birds visit dirtybirdsgardencenter.com