CIA/Glenn Greenwald

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Glen is gay. He lives in Brazil with his husband and their rescue dogs. Glen is one of the most respected journos in the world. He is who Ed Snowden went to when he sought an effective and fearless individual to carry his message to us, We The People. It doesn’t matter to me what Glen’s sexuality is, but that fact can be tantamount to some, so I mention Glen’s sexuality, that some might listen to his words who otherwise might not.


So, um, get the hell away from Big Tech maybe? Kill your phone? Use a flip-phone?

Or let the carefully-manicured information that comes into your brain from your phone, from the CIA (big tech), run your perception of reality?

Also of note is the involvement of the CIA/DARPA/WHO/Pentagon in the development of the experimental mRNA-technology that so many fearfully and obediently injected into their veins, a technology that will be affecting their immune responses for the rest of their lives. Unless you got a placebo (saline, there were millions of empty shots mixed into the experimental mRNA shots) or died of myocarditis or stroke from the shot, then you no longer have anything to worry about.

Yeah, “covid” is a military operation. Nobody got sick eating a bat at the Wuhan wet market (gross! wet market! dirty Chinese! TALK ABOUT RACIST!!!!!!!) right down the street from the Wuhan Institute for Coronavirus Research. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates went 300 feet into a cave in remote China and brought the virus back up and into to a city of 15 million people, where they proceeded, on behalf of the BigTech/CIA-Pentagon crowd, to weaponize that virus in order to make it MORE infectious to humans. That is called “Gain of Function.”.

The vaccine was similarly developed by the CIA/BigTech/Military. And I bet there is NOT ONE person who reads this that can tell me what was in the syringe that they mainlined into their bodies. Not one.

And that is no accident.

this again: