Flowers by Friends

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How are you doing with saying wonderful things to people 3 times a day? Try getting it done in the morning and it could change your entire day. Back with information on Friends of North County Recreation District Flower Sales. Friends will be at the Deli in downtown Manzanita with fresh flower bouquets both Friday and Saturday mornings. Flowers are really beginning to come on now!

We do need more arrangers to keep the project going. Please contact Gail at 503-830-3759 or if you might be interested in helping with the flower arrangements. On the days we sell we go to Flower Central and start arranging at 8 AM. This is so we can have the flowers to their downtown location at 9 AM. If you have extra flowers at your home, we can use those too!

Helping with this project brings a lot of joy, knowing Friends Mission is to promote and support NCRD by raising funds for scholarships, programs, and projects at NCRD. Friends support youth, aquatic, and fitness center programs. Friends is a 501 (c) (3) organization. Donations can be made to Friends of NCRD, PO Box 511, Nehalem, Oregon 97131. We appreciate everyone’s help. And don’t forget your neighbor’s birthday!