I am so pleased to inform you that as of now, I am offering massage as Resilience Massage out of the beautiful North Fork 53 Communitea Wellness space.
I know how much it takes to navigate this human experience with grace and with resilience. A massage with me is a time to simply be and to reconnect with yourself and your body. It is also a sensory delight. Allow myself and this land to support your resiliency and to help to fill your cup. Come for a massage and, if you can, plan to linger over tea in the garden, by the river or on a comfy couch.
Massage available every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Website and online scheduling coming soon, but for now, simply text me at 503-440-5243 or email me at jamietaylormassage@gmail.com
Rates are:
$120/60 min
$175/90 min
$230/2 hour
*Sliding scale available for those that need it. If this is you, reach out.