Participants Needed for DEQ Built Environment Information Gathering Sessions in August

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The Department of Environmental Quality is gathering information about how coastal community members view their built environment, and would love to hear from you!
The purpose of the listening sessions is to hear from people who live in the coastal built environment and we want to hear about their lived experience. The information shared will help shape the future of built environment work at DEQ in our area.
What is the built environment? It is all the places where you live, visit and travel. We’re asking you to join us because you live in the built environment every day and we want to hear about your lived experience.
We are looking at three sessions, Monday evenings on 8/7, 9/18 and 11/6. We would like to have a group of up to ten people who can attend all three sessions. There will be a stipend of $100 visa gift card after each session. We would provide food and childcare, if needed. Location will be in north Tillamook County and given after confirmation of attendance.
Please email LaNicia Duke at if you are interested in learning more or joining.