Manzanita Farmer’s market August 11! Come check out all the great vendors! and Fulton Farms..

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Fulton Farms tomorrow Friday August 11th at the Manzanita Farmer’s Market! At Underhill Plaza.
Come check out the fabulous Manzanita Farmers Market Friday August 11th from 4-7pm! Check out all the vendors and see what they have, and support them in their wonderful offerings! While you’re at the Market, swing by Fulton farms…
SALE! Buy 5 lbs (or more) of our #1 peaches, save $1 per lb! This is 2022 pricing, folks!
Diamond Princess peaches (huge, beautiful, freestone fruit!)
White donut peaches — the biggest most beautiful we’ve offered in years!
Polar Gem white nectarines!
Ruby Bright yellow nectarines!
Black Amber, Santa Rosa, and Hiromi plums!
Triple Crown blackberries!
CANNER’s SPECIAL: We will have a few 25 lb lugs of big, beautiful, nearly blemish-free #2 canning peaches, at only $2.50 lb! (must buy the whole lug at that price!)