Let’s talk

Submitted By: codger817@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Tired of angry, divisive politics? Let’s try this, getting together for civil conversations about the things that matter to us. I’m looking for “reds”, “blues” and “in-betweens”. Let’s get together on Zoom and see where we end up. My hope is that we’ll have a better understanding of each other. I’m anxious to talk about the book, “Talking Across the Divide”. Ground rules are very simple. (1.) Everybody brings their best manners. (2.) Nobody talks for more than 4 minutes at a stretch. (3.) Nobody comes to win an argument or change anybody’s mind. (4.) Listening is more important than talking. Zoom meetings Friday’s at 9 AM and/or Saturday’s. at 10AM Friday, 9AM Invite : us06web.zoom.us/j/82147366055?pwd=VTU1UWVzYnUxOC8zWE1qRUkxRUJhUT09 Saturday 10AM Invite us06web.zoom.us/j/83271599024?pwd=TTg5dUtydk1McTFpd21nYTNDaFdBZz09 For more information contact Jim Heffernan at codger817@gmail.com