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My first use of the old grade school building was when it was just that. My daughters (now 47 and 50) took swimming lessons in the summer (we lived in 97131 postal code area, but within Seaside school district, thus no school swim program available to us).

That original formation of NCRD was inspired by the strong desire to save the pool and the school swim program. Did those folks who put the North County Recreation District (NCRD) property tax measure on the ballot in 1996 dream that it would become a full-service recreation center with greatly-expanded offerings?

There was a swimming pool with school swim program and various summer classes, a rudimentary fitness center, and a Friday Teen Night. Today, youth, adults, seniors benefit from NCRD’s many offerings in aquatics; fitness; yoga; after-school sports; swimming; art programs; day-care center; pickleball court; Performing Arts Center with excellent lighting and audio (AND comfortable seats!).

Those original planners under-estimated both costs and growth. NCRD found itself needing more financial support to meet the community’s need for its growing services. Thus, the 5-year tax levy was put on the ballot in 2008. The approval of the community is shown by % YES votes each 5 years, growing from a whisker over 50% in 2008 to a resounding 73% in 2018.

Let’s keep NCRD funded at the same level!

Join me in voting YES for NCRD on November 7.

Lucy Brook
Nehalem resident