We gather and sing to heal ourselves and our community…we train to sing for those at the thresholds of life and death.
Whatever level you feel called to participate, we welcome your quiet energy…your resounding spirit…your soothing voice.
For more information:
Email: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com
Text/call: 503-440-7861
We currently gather (in person) once per month on 2nd Tuesdays, 6:00-6:45pm to practice giving/receiving healing through song, learning from the Threshold Choir Repertoire (in both English and Spanish).
For those who wish to stay later to sing with the St. Catherine’s Community *Song Circle*, they begin at 7pm, and all are welcome.
Let us Sing!
2nd Tuesdays 6-8pm
St. Catherine’s Church in Nehalem, Oregon
*The Song Circle is not the same as the St. Catherine’s Church Choir