Breast Health – Spa Day of Wellness (or evening!)

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Friday October 13th
Bring a friend! It’s the breast way to celebrate 😉

Registration required (see below)

Daytime event: Nehalem
North Fork 53 Communitea Wellness
Cost: $80
Includes: steam sauna, skin brushing instruction/mitts, kelp clay mask, breast massage routine/10ml roller better essential oil blend, info. on understanding our individual risk levels and how to be proactive about them as well as ideal foods to decrease and increase for cancer prevention and general wellness.
And, of course, there will be delicious seasonal snacks and teas served.

Evening event: Manzanita
Pauseful Massage & Botanicals
Cost: $60
Includes: exactly the same as above accept the heat will be a near infrared light experience and kelp clay mask will be taken home for use.

Host: Time and Tide Health Coaching
Elizabeth Golden Seaver “Libby”

Register to attend: