mRNA shots reactivating cancers that were in remission

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Turns out Gates’ and Fauci’s and Former Governor Brown’s and the OHA’s ‘covid’ mRNA injections have reactivated cancers. Add this to the strokes and heart attacks.

Apparently it was/is the boosters the above individuals and entities urged you to mainline into your veins that are bringing back the cancers from remission.

And guess what? Oregonians are STILL pining to shoot this murderous goo!

There have been 4-million adverse reactions to this 3-year old junk, according the World Health Organization. Yet only 15,000 adverse reactions to the tetanus vaccine, since 1968!!!!!!!!!!

How in the hell did this happen????


And the NCRD wants to be an injection center?????????

That would make the NCRD an accessory to mass-murder.

The lawyers will wake up one day.

Former Governor Brown and the OHA brass will end up in jail eventually; mark my words. It took years to purge the Nuremberg Nazis, but it happened eventually.

Former Governor Brown and the OHA brass should know that Covid justice will be served. Hire lawyers and prepare your defense; you’re brazen criminality will not go unpunished, YOUR MURDEROUS BEHAVIOR IS THE REASON HUMANS HAVE LAW. You will not get away with what you did to Oregonians during your Draconian, murderous horrible-for-children shutdowns and your deadly ‘vax’ campaigns.
(Let me guess-the lot of ya’ll are gonna plead stupid??)

A paragraph from some Seattleite I don’t know; a great summary of what happened during the fascistic uprising from liberal Covidians and the Yalie thugs that are running Operation Lockstep.

“My biggest lesson learned was that 90% of people will eagerly become united in hatred against any group the media/government directs them to and will happily volunteer to rat on one another to feel superior. I’m in Seattle, one of the most draconian cities in the US during the lockdowns and I’m convinced that the people here would have enthusiastically loaded me (as one of the 7% of uninjected people in the city) into waiting boxcars, and I am not being hyperbolic…”

I wholeheartedly agree with this Seattleite.

Furthermore, I was very much reminded of 9/11 when driving my taxi around shutdown Draconian Wokeland (AKA the once free city of Portland), with the near-phantom ‘virus’ freaking out leftists like the near-phantom ‘Muslim terrorists’ freaked out the righties back then.

I am also reminded of the Salem Witch Burnings. Lefties in Oregon showed me first hand how a group of hysterical anti-science narcissist ideologues can be scared into abandoning logic and reason and start bullying and killing their own children and fellow humans.

I also saw (see??) how the Jews got corralled by the intolerant, illogical narcissist Germans. Covid1984 was/is very reminiscent indeed, especially in China, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Super Nazi-esque.

And let’s check in with psycho, shall we?

…and news from the World Economic Forum’s fascistic outpost in KKKanada, where 74% of the triple vaccinated (huh? who the hell would…three times even…whaaaat????????) now have VAIDS.