On April 13th, 2023 the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council will be hosting their regular board meeting and a presentation w/ Brilyn Brecka, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife North Coast Beaver Conservation Biologist.
The LNWC’s Board Meeting will start at 5 pm. The board meeting will include regular council business including reports on fiscal status, organizational health projects, and a discussion of ongoing and upcoming LNWC projects. The public is welcome to join us and learn more about how the Watershed Council operates and what we do.
Brilyn Brecka’s presentation will begin at 7 pm. Tune in to this presentation by Brilyn Brecka, a beaver biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, to learn how intertwined the lives of beavers and salmon are. For thousands of years, beavers and salmon have co-evolved, creating a relationship between the two species that generate several important benefits to salmon restoration and recovery in coastal systems. Consequently, restoration projects that focus on creating and maintaining beaver and beaver-modified habitats can have a trickle-down effect on salmon populations, not to mention other benefits to both humans and the environment.
Brilyn Brecka is the Beaver Conservation Biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in the North Coast. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, majoring in Wildlife Ecology and Management, and she integrates her passions for habitat restoration, ecosystem-based management, and wildlife into her everyday work with beavers in Oregon. In her free time, she enjoys hunting, fishing, hiking, and reading.
Both the Board Meeting and this presentation will be hosted on Zoom and are free to the public. The zoom link is us02web.zoom.us/j/82002702767 or on the Faceboook event at www.facebook.com/lnwc1. You can also contact the watershed council at info@nehalemwatershed.org. A recording of this presentation will also be posted on the LNWC’s YouTube channel with our other recorded presentations. Just search for “Lower Nehalem Watershed Council” on YouTube.
Event Information: This event is FREE and open to the public. Find more information on our speaker series and the links for access on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/lnwc1).
Time & Agenda:
5:00 PM LNWC Board Meeting
7:00 PM Living and Working with Beavers for Salmon w/ Brilyn Brecka, ODFW
8:30 PM Adjourn