NCRD has brought value to my life

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There are so many compelling reasons to Vote YES for NCRD in November. The previously posted letters have outlined the many reasons why a Yes vote benefits the community.

I speak as a newcomer.

I first came to Nehalem on Memorial Day 2019 to shop at the Nehalem Bay United Methodist Granny’s Attic sale. I returned to go to a service in June. I was invited to lunch, met folks who were kind, welcoming and I began looking for ways to move out of the STR I had in Tillamook where I had been tutoring a young boy. I had been 12 months on the road, having a personal odyssey from my life in Maryland. I was tired, lost and literally without a home. I had been pet sitting and tutoring on Zoom. All I knew was that 28 years of being a wife, soccer mom, home owner and teacher in Maryland had ended.

The folks at NBUMC were quick to tell me about NCRD. I am sure it was Jane Knapp who told me to check it out. Next, Jennie Meyers invited me to a swim class she took in the morning. Before I knew it, I had found a yoga class on the schedule. I had been practicing yoga for about 10 years at that point. Actually, yoga and thrift sales were the only constants in my life before I landed in Nehalem.

The first yoga class I took was with Liz Carroll. She held an exceptionally wonderful class. Liz greeted me warmly and after I told her a quick version of why I was there, she offered to help me find a rental. It was her caring that kept me coming back.

I had practiced yoga in all the places I visited on my journey and not once had someone greeted me with such care and concern. To this day, attending Liz Carroll’s Restorative yoga class is a treat I give myself every week. When I took to the road again, in a travel trailer during COVID, I took her class on Zoom and did it on the single bed in my trailer!

I also love deep water swim, Tai Chi with Juli Stratton and Friday morning Gentle Yoga with Lucy Brook. Quite frankly I have never had one class at NCRD that wasn’t outstanding.

NCRD is more than a building or an organization. It is the place of employment of so many folks I have come to really enjoy seeing in action, like Kiley Konruff teaching a spin class before she sprints back to her job at the front office. It is also where I get to watch my talented neighbors perform in excellent community theater.

Will I vote yes? I will! I know the value it has brought to my life. I want to see it continue to be a place for recreation and connection for the entire community.

Janine Seadler
Nehalem resident