Conscious Aging and Community Connections

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Hello Community Friends,

It was wonderful to meet and hear from the 35 community members who attended our first session, Oct. 9 at Pine Grove Community House. Attendees shared heartfelt thoughts and feelings about life in our community, conscious living and what they are most passionate about at this time in their lives.

Attendees also let us know which topics they would like to have us cover in upcoming months. Based on that, at our next session, Monday, November 13, 2-4pm, we’ll hold a conversation about two related popular topics: How to Live Our Best Possible Lives and Finding and Living Your Passion in Late Life. Before then we’ll be in touch with possible questions to ponder.

Here are some of the other topics we plan to feature with conversations, or led by experts on the subject, at our second Monday of the month sessions:
Green Burials *
Traversing the Edge Between Doing and Being combined with the topic, Finding Meaning and Happiness with Physical Limitations
Creating a Compassionate Community including Sharing Resources and How we might Expand Diversity
Health: Exercise, Movement, Self Care, Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
A Conversation About Death and Dying: Discussing Our Own Mortality
Leaving a Legacy
Spiritual Practices and Our Relationship with the Transcendent
Health: What is Normal Aging? and What are the Signs of Stroke, Heart Attack and Dementia *
Books about Aging and Dying. Possible Author Readings *
* Expert in the field will be invited to lead the session.

If you were unable to attend last week, but have suggestions for topics, please let us know.

Upcoming events in the area:
Wed. Oct. 18th, 4pm: Hoffman Center, a free author reading. The book is The Gift of Aging: Growing Older with Purpose, Planning and Positivity, by authors Marcy Houle and Elizabeth Eckstrom.
Medicare enrollment for 2024. MODA’s Advantage Plan is ending Dec. 31. If you want to discuss other options, two Medicare Insurance specialists will be in the area to discuss options: Dwayne Scales will be at NCRD Friday, Oct. 27, 4pm and Nov. 17, 4pm; Corey Bush will be at the Tillamook High School Cafeteria Mon. Oct. 23 at 5:30pm, Saturday, Oct. 28 at 9am and 1pm, Fri. Nov. 3 at 10am and Nov. 10 at 9am and 1pm. Corey asked for RSVPs due to limited space:

We also hope our monthly sessions will help people connect with others in the community in smaller groups. If any of these topics interest you, reply to this email and we’ll let you know about one another.
Vision Board
Soul Collage Cards
Walking, Hiking
Cooking, Sharing Meals
Finding Travel Companions
Playing Games
Singing, Music
Quilting, Sewing
Art, Crafts

If you’d like to help spread the word about our new series, pass this email to others and ask them to send us their email address.

The Conscious Aging and Community Connections Program is sponsored by Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita.

Lastly, we’d love to have someone create a flyer with upcoming events to hang at the Visitors Center, Library and Post Office. If you’d like to help, please let us know!

With love,
The Conscious Aging and Community Connections Team: Tela Skinner, Jan Hamilton, Mary Ruhl, Sue McGrath, Kathie Hightower, Kathleen Moore, Dori Bash, Jessica Schaffer, Glenna Gray, Paula Sansum and Barbara Rippey