Ballots received, please vote and VOTE NO!

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Ballots have dropped – VOTE NO

Community, I’m going to be brutally blunt. Are YOU so comfortable having your own ‘great NCRD experiences’ that you will not stand and demand Equity for ALL having the same opportunities and great experiences as you?

It’s been suggested by a respected and valued community member ‘because I support the tax levy, does NOT mean I disregard others whose experiences have gone poorly….do we strip down an organization valued and utilized by so many?’’

With that I say YES, yes we do, how do we not? If the board & Staff had only recently been made aware of the issues I’d say, we need to give them a chance. Unfortunately they have been made aware of ALL THE ISSUES for years, they are out of time…

…. I too have been involved in some capacity for 15 years, an extended period. If only supporters of the levy had been attending Board meetings. If so, they too would have witnessed the board time and time again demonstrating they are not interested and/or willing to take action. IE: The board scoffed at a request to look at creating mobility access to the Pickle ball courts then stated ‘do people in wheelchairs play pickleball’? The Board declined creating a committee for looking at replacement recreation for our teens/tweens after the Skate-ramp was demolished with no consideration of the impact on them. When a request for a committee be formed, the Board stated ‘we’re building them a 9 million dollar pool, THEY should be grateful”. Grateful? The board did not disavow a board member’s comment ‘I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors’, while meeting to discuss stage accessibility in the PAC. The suggestion the 5 year renewal tax may be challenged has repeatedly been rejected by stating “it passed by 74% last time”, end of conversation.

So no, nothing has been addressed and why would we believe anything is going to be addressed? Not one committee has been formed; not one ‘tabled’ conversation created; not one plan of action created, nothing.

So yes, sometimes drastic measures are required to cause ACTION.

The Mission statement of the NCRD is to promote the Educational, Recreational, Social & Physical well being of the ENTIRE North County community by offering activities for ALL AGES and ABILITIES, in an inviting environment.