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Dear community members,

I am writing you today to both introduce myself and to ask for your help in supporting the North County Recreation District (NCRD) by voting YES on ballot measure 29-177 during the November 7th, 2023 Special Election. This is a renewal of the 5- year Operational Tax Levy and is essential to ensure funding of the existing services and programs that we all enjoy.

First though – a little bit about my family and I. We moved here in 2022 after a lengthy search for a small coastal town with good schools and a strong sense of community. NCRD was one of the first points of contact for us when we moved here – and in fact the pool and school swim program were major factors in choosing this area. While our son attended preschool at New Discoveries, we realized just how important NCRD is for us and the entire community. The memories we have made and the relationships we have formed there are precious – and the reason why I decided to run for an open board position last spring. Having the opportunity to help nourish and shape NCRD is an honor.

This levy does not present a tax increase and does not fund the new pool project. Five years ago this passed by an astonishing 72.9% – and this year with your support, I hope we are able to surpass that percentage! Please vote YES for NCRD!


Michael Howes

Board Member, NCRD