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Day of the Dead Ancestor Celebration – Wednesday Evening November 1 at the White Clover Grange
The veil is thin and thus your departed ancestors and beloved dead as well as those of this place are especially near. Let’s honor them and communicate with any beneficent ones who want to appear. The invitation is to help create altars around the large space at the Grange. You could do one for your own ancestors, or the animals, or the ancestors of this place or “decolonizing your ancestors” or or or whatever/whoever calls to you ….. also Altars for the Directions, Altar for forgiveness…There will be lots of materials you can use to create with. If you don’t want to create an altar from scratch there will be places to add photos and momentos of your own “people” in as well.
Rough Schedule:
4 pm – I need a few folks at my house to help tote and transport bins full of fabrics, sacred items, drums, etc.
5 pm – Grange opens and the magical play of creating a sacred space begins
6 ish – Ceremony Gathering
7 ish – Potluck. Bring food to share that your people loved
8:30 ish – Clean up – Help packing up and schlepping away
Please let me know what you want to take on and when you can be present to help. It takes a village….
Event is free. Donations welcome to help pay for the space. Questions? Call or text Lane deMoll at 503-440-1342
or email me at
The veil is thin and thus your departed ancestors and beloved dead as well as those of this place are especially near. Let’s honor them and communicate with any beneficent ones who want to appear. The invitation is to help create altars around the large space at the Grange. You could do one for your own ancestors, or the animals, or the ancestors of this place or “decolonizing your ancestors” or or or whatever/whoever calls to you ….. also Altars for the Directions, Altar for forgiveness…There will be lots of materials you can use to create with. If you don’t want to create an altar from scratch there will be places to add photos and momentos of your own “people” in as well.
Rough Schedule:
4 pm – I need a few folks at my house to help tote and transport bins full of fabrics, sacred items, drums, etc.
5 pm – Grange opens and the magical play of creating a sacred space begins
6 ish – Ceremony Gathering
7 ish – Potluck. Bring food to share that your people loved
8:30 ish – Clean up – Help packing up and schlepping away
Please let me know what you want to take on and when you can be present to help. It takes a village….
Event is free. Donations welcome to help pay for the space. Questions? Call or text Lane deMoll at 503-440-1342
or email me at