Wooden Shipping Crates

Submitted By: jessi@heartofcartm.org – Click to email about this post
Heart of Cartm has sturdy wooden crates for sale.
And, yes…they are at a 20% discount, along with everything else in the store!

Wooden crates make great storage for household items and look attractive as repurposed furniture. Decorate with a wooden crate for that “industrial look”. They were stamped with information before shipping. Details include: the country of origin, the destination and various shipping markings.

Crates are different sizes – all approximately 2 1/2 feet by 3 feet. Lids can be purchased separately.

Heart of Cartm is located in downtown Wheeler.
OPEN Thursday – Monday, 12-6pm.
SALE 20% off everything in the store, runs Dec 15 – 30.