Counselor available, SundayScream Session

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Hello community

We have a counselor here again this morning until 1 PM- please come in if you need support

Now, I want to talk a little bit about anger. Anger is a normal, very valid emotion, that comes with grief and loss….. especially with unexpected and unexplainable loss.

Anger needs to be felt, to be expressed, to be witnessed, to be released…..

There will be a Sacred Scream Session on Sunday morning at 9 AM, on the beach. We will meet on the end of Laneda, in Manzanita

Please join us, to scream, to cry, to wail- to release some of our anger…..within a safe, supportive and loving container.

Sacred scream session starts at 9AM Sunday, the 24th, at the end of Laneda – the studio will be open immediately after, for tea and community

And Rising Hearts Studio will be open and available as a safe space for our community indefinitely- if I’m in the building, door is always open to you

You do not have fo grieve alone!!

All my Love- CK

Rising Hearts Studio
35840 7th St
Hwy 101, downtown Nehalem