Rising Hearts Studio Open this weekend

Submitted By: Christy@cosmichealingnw.com – Click to email about this post
Hello BBQ community-
Rising Hearts Studio will be open today and tomorrow 11-4. The store is open and full of beautiful gifts for your loved ones- self care options, crystals, jewelry, candles, art and more

Also, as mentioned all week, you are welcome to come sit and be within a safe, supportive, and loving container – I have no counselors available this weekend, but I do have hot tea ready, comfy chairs and plenty of hugs to give.

And, Sacred Scream Session is tomorrow morning-
We will meet at the beach, laneda entrance at 9 AM
Anger is a very valid, and normal response to tragic loss- it must be felt, witnessed, released- please join us for a community expression of anger- to yell, wail, scream within a container of love and support
All are welcome

Please reach out if you need anything- you don’t have to do this all alone.

All my Love – CK

Rising Hearts Studio
35840 7th St
Hwy 101, downtown Nehalem