The goal of the Conscious Aging and Community Connections Program is to bring people in our community together to get to know one another at a deeper level and to encourage one another to live our best possible lives.
We’ll meet Monday, Jan. 8th, 2-4pm at Pine Grove. Door opens at 1:45.
Our topic this month is Creating a Compassionate Community. Everyone is welcome! $ 5 Admission
Between now and then, please consider the needs our community has and ways to make it a more compassionate one. We’d like to hear about needs that affect you personally and your suggestions for how we can fulfill those needs.
Upcoming events:
The first Hoop Dance session will be held Monday, January 22, 4:30-5:30-pm at the NCRD gym. Contact Kathie Hightower for details:
Those interested will meet at Pine Grove Monday, January 29, 1-5pm to create Vision Boards. Start collecting images from magazines, cards and calendars for your Vision Board. You will also want to bring a foam board or poster board, plus scissors and a glue-stick. If you are interested but haven’t yet signed up, please let me know.
February 12th, our topic for our monthly meeting will be Sharing Resources. We will send out an agenda for the meeting before then.
The Conscious Aging and Community Connections program will continue to meet on the second Monday of each month from 2-4pm. Mark your calendars!
The Conscious Aging and Community Connections Program is sponsored by Pine Grove Community House. This allows us to keep admission at $ 5 per session. All money received goes directly to Pine Grove.
Hope to see you Monday, Jan. 8th, at 2pm!
Tela Skinner and the Conscious Aging and Community Connection team: Kathie Hightower, Mary Ruhl, Jan Hamilton, Kathleen Moore, Sue McGrath, Paula Sansum, Dori Bash and Glenna Gray.