2nd Thursday Contemplative Dance Practice and Ecstatic Dance

Submitted By: neahkahniespiritdance@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
This Thursday 1.11 the dance offering is a fusion between Contemplative Dance Practice and Ecstatic Dance guided by Reeva Wortel.

At the White Clover Grange
Doors open at 6:00 PM for warmup/setup
6:30 PM – opening circle/dance set
8:00 PM – closing circle

$10 or sliding scale of $5 if you need or $15 if you can.
cash check or venmo @FaeScott
(CDP is not as suitable for our kiddo dancing friends)
***Opening/closing the space work-trade available: Contact us***

Contemplative Dance Practice is a meditator’s dance hall or a dancers’ meditation hall, this practice provides opportunities to develop awareness of inner and outer rhythms, deepen mindfulness disciplines, and provide a container for cultivating acceptance of what is arising in the body.

The fusion of Ecstatic Dance and Contemplative Dance Practice creates a space to hold each one of us as we are. It is rigorous because awareness is moving between our inner and outer noticing and we are tracking the nowness of it all…Who knows what will happen?

Hope to see you on the dance floor!