Wet and Windy…Party Like It’s 1999!

Submitted By: jessi@heartofcartm.org – Click to email about this post
Suit up! The 13th Biennial Nehalem Estuary Cleanup is this Saturday, March 9th. Register/Check In at 7am
Our estuary, teeming with diverse wildlife and vital ecosystems, depends on us to be guardians and stewards. Rain or more rain, this Saturday’s event is an opportunity to show our commitment to the well-being of this precious habitat. Each piece of trash we collect, brings us closer to a cleaner, healthier estuary for generations to come. So, grab your rain boots, button up that rain suit, and take action in this amazing community. After making a splash at the Nehalem Estuary Cleanup, our estuary journey continues to marine debris masterpieces! Learn more and sign up here: www.heartofcartm.org/
Friday, March 15th A family-friendly workshop for kids and adults to engage in thought-provoking discussions and turn that litter into art. Reeva Wortel and Elizabeth Roberts will lead the activities for this drop-in style workshop. Saturday, March 16th Adult Marine Debris workshop with Elizabeth Roberts has just 2 more openings.
Your presence matters, your efforts count, and the memories you create will be etched into the legacy of our community’s dedication to the Nehalem Estuary.
If you need a little inspiration please watch this video of the very first Nehalem Estuary Cleanup in 1999. Thank you Doug Firstbrook! https://youtu.be/x-o8qs-13K4?si=RSllaydAcoy0gsGP
Photos: 1999 polystyrene. 2019 polystyrene. Maybe one day there will be zero polystyrene in the estuary.