A SPECIAL MOVEMENT AND ART GATHERING hosted by Neahkahnie Spirit Dance Community:
Flow to Grow – a Spring REVIVAL and VISIONING Gathering
March 23rd 2:00-5:00 at the White Clover Grange
2:00 Welcome: Opening singing bowl circle: Bring and play your own singing bowl, or be serenaded by ours.
Followed by FLOW :fascial release/lymphatic pumping floor exercises by Libby Golden at Golden Key Wellness.
3:00 INVIGORATE with Free-Form Ecstatic Dance with Fae Scott
4:00 AFFIRM VISIONS with Vision Board Art Creating with Kelly Seaton
$40 or $25 if you need, $55 if you can.
Registration is encouraged
Please do so by March 23rd by following this link :
Things to bring if you want/have:
Singing Bowls
Yoga Mat
Vision board inspiration material and your favorite art supplies.
What is supplied: vision board, art pens/pencils, scissors, glue, etc.
Here’s to clearing and visioning pathways for new and healthy growth for this upcoming SPRING season!