Falun Gong-The Epoch news, and The SHENYU Dancers

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Most of us have heard about the Falun Gong – a spiritual group in China which is persecuted by the CCP, tortured, imprisoned, and their body parts taken from them and sold for organ transplants.This continues today.
Falun Gong sources estimate that tens of millions continue to practice privately, and Freedom House estimates there are seven to 20 million practitioners world wide.”
Li Hongzhi is the founder and leader of Falun Gong, or Falun Dafa, a United States-based new religious movement. Li began his public teachings on Falun Gong on 13 May 1992 in Changchun, and subsequently gave lectures and taught Falun Gong exercises across China. Falun Gong also started the EPOCH TIMES and the SHEN YU Dance Company.
Walk into Chinatown in any big Western city, and on the main street you are likely to find a row of seated meditators, their legs crossed and backs straight. Seemingly innocuous, they could easily pass for participants in a yoga class. In fact, the meditators are practicing a prescribed set of exercises from Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline which China banned in 1999 and calls an “evil cult”. Along with Tibetans, Uighur Muslims, democracy activists and pro-independence Taiwanese, Falun Gong practitioners round off the “five poisons”—risks which the Chinese government has acknowledged as posing the biggest threat to its rule. What is Falun Gong?
Falun Gong, which means “law wheel practice” in Chinese, is a set of meditation exercises and texts that preach the virtues of truth, benevolence and forbearance. It was founded in north-east China in 1992 by Li Hongzhi. Falun Gong draws on China’s long tradition of qigong, a regimen of controlled breathing and gentle physical movements. Practitioners of Falun Gong avow a path to salvation for the faithful.
They also are the group starting the EPOCH TIMES and the SHEN YU dancers.
Most above info taken from The Falun Gong