clumps of meadowsweet, ready to plant

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Hello BBQers:
On this sunny Spring day, I divided my meadowsweet shrub. I planted 3 clumps back into my garden, and put 8 clumps on the street in front of my house for you to take and plant into your garden.
What is meadowsweet? Follow this link to read about this handsome, fragrant and medicinally useful plant:
If you are interested in plants, particularly medicinal ones, Strictly Medicinal is a great source of seeds and starts. This is where I bought the seeds for my meadowsweet, probably 12 years ago. And this is the first time I’ve divided my shrub.
In the summer I harvest the meadowsweet flowers and leaves, dry them, and then enjoy them as tea, especially if I have a hint of a headache.
As you can see in the photo, the new leaves are just coming up. These clumps of plants are on the street now, against the rock wall, just north of the mailboxes in front of my house at 35600 13th in Nehalem.
It’s perfect weather for gardening!