Vote for Laity

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The daffodils are blooming at the same time as “Re-elect Cyrus Javadi are appearing all over town.
Cyrus and I have drunk coffee together. I found him to be a friendly, personable man. But I do not wish to see him re-elected.
Two things he did while in office turned me against him.
The first was the letter of solidarity with Texas’ rabid anti-immigration policy. Sure, there are problems with the border, but if our do-nothing Congress appropriate money for more immigration judges a great deal of the flow and congestion would be eased.
The over-hyped hysteria of a supposed immigration crisis very closely resembles the “red scare” era in the 1950’s. It is shameless political theater and dog-whistle racism.
I suppose next he’ll declare solidarity with Texas and their restrictive vote by mail regulations.
The second thing was being a sponsor to SB1536 which is an attempt to cut off a woman’s freedom of choice after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
I suppose it makes him a hero to certain religious groups, but I really think it ignores our 1st. Amendments rights of not having others practice their religion on us.
Perhaps it’s another step toward solidarity with Texas where abortion is effectively forbidden.
I like Oregon just as it is, the last thing we need is solidarity with Texas.